Today is my dad's birthday.
I wanted to give him a little blog tribute/shout out.
Readers, people of the world, my dad is the best there is.
Whenever someone brings up my dad or dads in general, I get this swell of pride and feel I need to share my thoughts and memories I have of my dad. I know when Tim and I are describing my dad, we have so much to say, but the words barely do him justice. He's just amazing. Our family is blessed and anyone who shares his kind and relaxed company is blessed as well.
Patient, hard working, determined, confident, brilliant, caring, selfless, God loving, supporter, comedian...the list goes on my friends.
I just wanted to say I love you dad and you have supported and loved this family every single day...and we are the people we are because of you. Happy birthday:)
p.s. not to say his partner in crime isn't just as great...my momma is his other half:) love you c