Well, this whole not having a computer this is cramping my style. I can't upload pictures or listen to music or surf the web or even work on homework at home. It hasn't stopped me from having fun but I wish I could share my pics of the times I have. So, these images are not my own, but its what I gotta work with until graduation.
This weekend Rowdy and I took the new jeep down to Lake Kickapoo where we rode with the top off and chased the storm on some gravel roads. The lake water was really low and there was a fog and haze the whole weekend and some mist in the morning, but it was great. We fished, I played with the dogs throwing them big sticks in the water and we played some spades and poker. We are serious about our game of spades. Into the wee hours of the night, we busted out some great games...i feel asleep at the table after I lost poker haha.
Some friends joined us and we ended up hanging out with them all weekend. We golfed and had brisket tacos on Sunday.
Many things were confirmed this weekend... 1. I love my Jeep, 2. Rowdy is great, 3. I'm gaining some happy pounds, 4. I've done more fun things in 3 months than I did in a year and a half with Fatty Boom, 5. I'm a different, better person, 6. I love R Dogs family and I think they like me:), 7. I listen to country and kinda like it, 8. I play a mean card game, 9. I feel free, 10. I love my life
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