Well hello two readers! I've been in Plano with the rents for almost a week. I just don't feel like going back to Wichita Falls. Plus, yesterday I was diagnosed with strep throat...real fun. The doctor took one look in my mouth and was like "whoa...flaming strep throat!" start moving this weekend and finish up the following weekend. I'm really excited for my new life. I'll miss some people back in the falls though....not many, but some haha. My last three years in WF have been, overall, pretty rough. I've been through a lot there. Learned a lot about myself and went through more ups and downs than I could have ever imagined. The young lady that moved there in August 2007 is totally different now in September 2010...thank God. A little more bitter and cautious now, but definitely wiser and more well rounded. Not everything about WF has been bad. I've met some great people and made a couple of friends that will last a life time. I've done some really cool things as well.
But I'm anxious for new experiences and surroundings. This weekend I walked the streets of uptown...world of difference from the streets in Wichita Falls. SO much life and going on and things to do! I'll miss the backroads of the WF area though and the minimal traffic and Don Joses and how quiet it can be there. Each place has their pros and cons.
The pictures above are of this past weekend with my brother and his gf Kelsey, who I love. We had a great time and I look forward to being able to spend more time with them. I also can't wait to spend more time with my niece who I've been able to make smile and "talk" to me. I'm not really a kid person...I mean I've always been really good with kids, but just wasn't always my thing...especially little babies. But my little Lily Belle is precious and I can't stop staring at her. Plus, she likes spongebob, so we'll get along haha. I also had a job interview on Friday that went really well. I'm hoping to hear back soon. I'm really impatient and it's a job that I think would challange me, push me, and give me new experiences, job saavy and skills. But God will bring me what job I'm meant to have so I'm not nervous or worried for once. I wasn't even really that nervous before the interview. I mean, I know how to talk to people and sell myself (no not like a hooker haha) and if I'm meant to have this job, then it'll happen. All I can do is go in there, answer the questions they ask and just be myself.
This is one of my longer posts. I guess I just have a lot to say. Since I'm not working, I've really had more time to think, reflect. I have more to say...but some of it is just anger at people or situations...so I'll leave that out. I feel like my best days are ahead of me and I can't wait for them to come!
They are puff. Life is like the state of 'Utah.' Loaded with valleys with moutains sprinkled here and there.