"Don't be afraid to fall in love, it's the only thing that matters in life. Fall in love with as many things as possible."
I heard this on a movie the other night and paused and rewinded to catch it again...the movie had a horrible ending but that's beside the point. I love this quote. It's so easy to be scared to fall in love, whether it be with a person, an idea, a passion...it's scary because the feeling of love is so strong and passionate that if it goes away or is taken from you or lost, it hurts more than we can imagine. It's scary because a lot is unknown...uncertain...uncharted waters. BUT the other side of loving someone or something is that it can bring you more joy and elation that you ever thought possible. It's like you never want to come down from the high it gives you.
I liked the fact that it said fall in love with as many things as possible...life is so short, so unscripted and unforgiving that the love you have for things and people or ideals is what keeps us moving on each day...the loss of them can also stop the movement of life it seems though.
Love is scary, no matter where it's placed. It's hard. God, a boyfriend, husband, a friend, a career, a hobby, a political stand....it all requires so much effort on your part to love something, it's so much of yourself.
Love hasn't always been kind to me...especially since I tend to dive into the few things that I truly love and value...its not always reciprocated or giving back as much as I'm putting in. It's very rare to find a person or thing that gives back what you put in...but thats what you search and strive for in life isn't it?
Love is worth it. Scary as hell and not always kind, but fight for what you want and realize when its not best for you and to move on and don't get down when love fails...I've had to tell myself that before.
What a great quote from a horrible movie ;)
Time waits for no one, take control of your life and your love and your heart.
I LOVE you puff. Well written and thought provoking and true.
ReplyDeletethanks momma! :)